Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Days 316-317

Dear Daddy,

How are you?

Monday we had to go to the doctors office. Mommy had some concerns about diabetes and the way my hands were shaking. Dr. Barr did a test for my blood sugar and that was good so no diabetes..yay! He also did some tests on my arms/hands and he said everything looks good and told Mommy a few things to watch for just in case things change. Since I was such a good boy I got a sticker and a lollipop and Dr. Barr gave me a high five! I like him and so does Mommy. She said he always goes over everything in detail with her and reassures her that everything is okay.

Today we had swim lessons. Today was the first day Mommy didn't sit on the side of the pool. Since Miss Lori thinks that I was doing better when Mommy wasn't there she suggested Mommy sit away from the pool and just watch. I was such a big boy and was doing a lot better using both my arms instead of just one. Miss Lori said I am definitely making progress. This afternoon we made a count down chain to count down the days until you come home. I can't wait!

I love you and miss you Daddy. So do Mommy and Lana!


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