Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 62

Dear Daddy,
I slept til 9am again today! Mommy couldn't believe it. She said I must be going through a growth spurt with as much as I've been sleeping and eating lately. I had a cereal bar and some yogurt for breakfast today. It was very yummy.

After we got ready for the day, we put together your care package. I had fun helping Mommy wrap all your Daddy's day presents and put everything in the box. But my favorite part was taping everything up. I had lots of fun with the tape. Mommy said she is sorry she didn't get any pictures of it. As soon as she got out the camera I stopped being so silly. Mommy has been bad about taking pictures lately. She feels bad and said she will be better starting tomorrow. Here is a video from a couple days ago that she forgot to post. The first one is me dancing and singing my new song about Lana and Buddy and Mickey.

I was a good boy at lunch and didn't throw any of my food to Lana. Well maybe one piece, but much better than normal!

After my nap we went to the post office to mail your package and then we went to free play at Gymboree. I had lots and lots of fun. Miss Briana got out the parachute and the bubbles and she even got everyone to do "Air Log Freeze". I had such a good time. Can you believe I'm going to be moving up to level 5 next month? Mommy says I am growing way too fast.

For dinner Grandma bought me a sandwich at Subway. It was very good and I ate all of it plus all of my apple slices.

I threw a fit at bath time for some reason today. Mommy has no idea why either. I went to bed without too much of a fight.

I love you and miss you Daddy. XOXOXO. Mommy loves and misses you too.


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