Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 194

Dear Daddy,
Today after we finished getting ready, we headed out to Target. Mommy got me a whole new winter wardrobe and new winter pajamas. I helped pick everything out. Mommy says she is happy winter is here because she says I look so cute in jeans and long sleeves. I dont know what she is talking about-I think I look good all the time :-)

After that we went home and ate lunch and then played for a while. Later on Mommy went and got dinner and then we ate and then we got ready to carve pumpkins. Mommy said she showed you the pictures already. Didn't they come out so neat?

After that we played until it was dinner time. I can't wait because tomorrow Mommy said I get to wear my pirate costume and go Trick or Treating!!

I love you and miss you Daddy. So do Mommy and Lana.


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